MS2BIG.EXE -- Utility for making on-line Adlib songs (ROLs). - 24 - Sound Card Support ------------------ All sound card support is for registered users only, doesn't work in the DEMO VERSION. The BF.EXE viewer however will execute these commands. The Adlib tm Sound Card is supported. If your sound card is Adlib tm compatible it should work. To convert ROL files to to BIG format you will need files contained in ADPRO103.ZIP you will have to download this seperately. You have to break down the STANDARD.BNK to *.INS files with BANKMNG.EXE /g option (run Bankmng on a floppy in a subdirectory!) and then run the utility in ADPRO103.ZIP CONVERT.EXE that turns ROLS into *.MUS and *.SND files then you run the BIG utility: MS2BIG *.mus *.snd MS2BIG will play and write out the converted ROL to *.BIG file that can be uploaded into a message or sent as a BBS logon file. BIG format songs are larger than a ROL and the MS2BIG utility will only output BIG format files up to 65534 bytes the size of the terminal's buffer for playback. You can HIT the ESC KEY while MS2BIG is playing and cut a short version of the conversion. The BIG format music will be played in the background and graphics commands can be executed while the music is playing! The sound effect commands however take precendence over the sound card and will temporarily slow the sound card music. The "?" ask IG command will tell a DOOR program if a sound card is installed. With the play buffer slice BIG format sound card music files can be used as spectacular sound effects! If you don't have a Adlib tm sound card you don't know what you're missing!!! Check one out! N sound card commands I#N>4: I#N>5,1,001: ---------------------- I#N>3,1,121;3,121: N>0,20,222,clockrate(2bytes)data.......... N>1,20,222,clockrate(2bytes)data.......... The 'N' command talks to the Adlib tm sound card. You have serveral options see below. IF 1st parameter = 0 load buffer only 2nd parameter = number of bytes to load *1000 so a 20 here means 20000 max here is 65 for 65000. 3rd parameter = remaining number of bytes to load. This is added to the value of the 2nd parameter to arrive at a value greater than 9999 if need be. The 3rd parameter is followed by a comma and 2 bytes that make the integer value to set the clock rate for the tempo and the rest is raw data and only the converter program and playback routine know whats going on there. Use the MS2BIG.EXE program to make the N>0 and N>1 commands it would be near impossible by hand. IF 1st parameter is 1 Load and Play buffer. 2nd parameter = number of bytes to load *1000 so a 20 here means 20000 max here is 65 for 65000. 3rd parameter = remaining number of bytes to load. (continued on next page) - 25 - ( N commands continued ) IF 1st parameter = 2 execute buffer no other paramerters needed. Plays whatever is in the buffer from begining to end. IF 1st parameter = 3 Play slice of buffer. 2nd parameter = FROM play value *1000 3rd parameter = FROM play value remainder 4th parameter = TO play value *1000 5th parameter = TO play value remainder IF 1st parameter = 4 do warm reset to sound card. No other parameters required. IF 1st parameter = 5 set clock rate on the fly. 2nd parameter = clock rate *1000 3rd parameter = clock rate remainder normal rates are usually 1000 to 2400 The lower the value the faster the tempo.